RLConvening 2023
focus on the power of connection
Explore, learn, and grow at the Intend Health Strategies 2023 Relational Leadership Convening conference in Atlanta, Georgia. This inaugural convening is a gathering for those who envision a human-centered healthcare ecosystem built on a foundation of connection and collaboration, in which everyone is seen, heard, and valued.
Network and engage with new and experienced relational leaders as you learn tools and techniques to cultivate leadership, increase engagement, improve collaboration, transform conflict, navigate change, and strengthen community.
Who Should Attend
We invite all members of the healthcare community — practitioners, activists, researchers, educators, administrators, students, and learners at all levels — to join us for two days of conversation, learning, and skill-building.
- How can attending RLConvening benefit you and your organization? Download a fact sheet (PDF).
- Earn CME Credit.
- Check out the lineup of extraordinary RLConvening speakers!
Guiding Principles
We invite everyone, regardless of their position or experience level, to share ideas, challenge one another, and embrace mistakes and uncertainty.
We will create an environment in which everyone feels seen, heard, and valued.
We encourage everyone to select the sessions that resonate most, rather than adhering to “tracks” or discrete conference themes.
We are open to supporting and engaging a diverse community and are interested in collaborating with individuals who hold minoritized identities, particularly those whose race and ethnicities are underrepresented in medicine.
We invite participants to bring their whole selves to the event. As such, we will offer opportunities to socialize and explore the city in non-work-related contexts.
We will offer multiple opportunities for 1:1 conversations and we will ask presenters to use storytelling as a vehicle for sharing their learning and experiences and to discuss challenges and setbacks as much as accomplishments.
Thank You to Our Sponsors
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