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Healing the ‘moral injury’ of clinicians will take a village

August 21, 2018
Healing the ‘moral injury’ of clinicians will take a village

When two physicians wrote recently in STAT that their colleagues aren’t burning out but are instead suffering from “moral injury,” they struck a nerve. Thousands of physicians across the country talked about it on social media and discussion boards; rapper and internist ZDoggMD spent nearly 30 minutes discussing it with his followers.

This is a subject that clinicians have been talking about in differing, veiled terms for years. It’s reflected in the quiet whispers that something is wrong — something more than mouse clicks and workflows.

Is it any surprise that a broken system has produced a broken workforce?

When two physicians wrote in STAT about “moral injury” instead of burnout, it struck a nerve. Thousands discussed it online, and ZDoggMD spent 30 minutes on it.

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