Blog Post

Intend Health Program News: December Update

December 15, 2022
Intend Health Strategies Blog
Intend Health Program News: December Update

Here is the latest news about Relational Leadership programming and partnerships:

Training With an Equity Lens: In November, we hosted Training With an Equity Lens, a two-hour workshop in partnership with Integrative Inquiry. Participants provided their questions regarding how to start conversations about issues around equity and they left with actionable insights and connections to help them explore the topic further beyond the workshop.

Other recent workshops include The Power of Story, a three-part series, and Building a Culture of Feedback.

Frontier Pediatrics: We had an opportunity to partner with Frontier Pediatrics, based in Twin Falls, Idaho, in October. We delivered a full-day Relational Leadership experience for senior leadership and members of their physician team. This was a new community to us and a wonderful opportunity to support an intact team. We are in the process of exploring a second, day-long workshop for their full team in January.

We're collaborating with the Harvard Center for Primary Care in their Medical Director Leadership Institute, a program that provides healthcare leaders with critical skills to thrive in their role, achieve organizational goals, and manage during times of uncertainty. We're excited to partner with them to incorporate RL content into the curriculum for their current cohort of participants.

PCP Student Action Network: Our student teams have been collaborating with their coaches and teams to work toward their project goals. Several project events have already occurred and we're excited to share more about this work in forthcoming blog posts. We look forward to convening as a larger group in January for our mid-year event to create more space for sharing and learning from one another.

NAPCRG Conference: We unveiled our brand-new exhibitor materials at the North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG) Annual Meeting in Phoenix. Jane Cooper-Driver, who staffed the booth, connected with new and old friends, some of whom have already registered for workshops!

December 2022 recap of recent Intend Health programs delivered to healthcare providers, students, and institutions across the country.

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